Friday, April 25, 2008

Clinical Trials Update: April 25, 2008 (HealthDay)

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Here are the latest clinical trials, courtesyof Thomson CenterWatch:

There has been an explosion of interest in learning the facts buy wholesale cinnamon p.e. the buy wholesale creatine powder ester hcl vitamin. So, without further adieu, let's delve into this essential vitamin for optimum health well-being. Let's begin with some overall facts about the B3 vitamin, and then we will provide you with information on its health enhancing benefits.

The B3 vitamin, also called niacin, is buy wholesale greentea pe water soluble vitamin and buy bulk glycocyamine nutrition proud member of the B-complex family.

The body can manufacture its own vitamin B3 using the amino acid tryptophan. However, if you are deficient in vitamins B1, B2, and B6 you will not be able buy wholesale co-enzyme q 10 produce vitamin B3 from tryptophan.

A deficiency in the B3 vitamin eventually leads to a disease known as pellagra. Other symptoms of B3 niacin deficiency include depression, insomnia, canker sores, fatigue, diarrhea, dementia, dizziness, indigestion, loss of appetite, low blood sugar, skin eruptions, muscular weakness, irritability, limb pains, and headaches.

Best food sources of the B3 vitamin include prunes, figs, dates, avocados, poultry (white meat), roasted peanuts, eggs, fish, lean meat, liver, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, and whole wheat products.

Facts about the B3 vitamin: Why is it needed?

The B3 vitamin is essential for the following:

  • Healthy nervous system.
  • Healthy brain function.
  • Healthy digestive system.
  • Healthy skin.
  • Healthy blood cells.
  • Essential for proper circulation.
  • Aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  • Essential for normal growth and development.
  • Needed for the synthesis of various hormones, including sex hormones.
  • Helps to control blood-sugar levels.
  • Critical to releasing energy from carbohydrates.

Facts about the B3 vitamin: Niacin has been used in connection with the following health conditions:

  • High cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Diabetes.
  • Headaches.
  • Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.
  • Acne (topical niacinamide).
  • Fatigue.
  • Intermittent claudication.
  • Raynaud's disease.

Facts about the B3 vitamin: Supplemental Forms

The B3 vitamin is available as a supplement in either niacin (nicotinic acid or nicotinate) or niacinamide (nicotinamide) forms. These have different applications, and, as such, you will need to consult a physician. In addition, there is a newer form of niacin called inositol hexaniacinate.

Most multivitamins and B-complex supplements provide the RDA for niacin. However, individual niacin supplements are typically used for therapeutic dosages to treat specific health conditions.

In addition, it's important to note that the B vitamins work as a team. Therefore, it is not recommended that you take a single B vitamin unless instructed buy wholesale beta alanine online a physician.

Facts about the B3 vitamin: Side Effects and Precautions

Taking too much niacin in the form of nicotinic acid may cause what is known as the australia ship wholesale nutrition flush." It is usually harmless, characterized by a red rash that appears on the skin and a tingling sensation may be experienced as well. However, niacinamide and inositol hexaniacinate does not cause the "niacin flush."

In addition, large or megadoses of niacin supplements can cause abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, ulcers, and intense itching. glycocyamine wholesale shipping to canada and australia damage and a rise in blood sugar (glucose) that mimics diabetes are also signs of an overdose of niacin.

If you suffer from diabetes, low blood pressure, glaucoma, gout, liver disease, ulcers or a bleeding disorder, check with your physician before taking any niacin. Why? This is because niacin supplements may aggravate these heath conditions.

In fact, it's important for everyone to speak to their physician before taking any type of dietary supplements.

Cindy Amorin is the chief editor of, an information-rich site that discusses nutritional, dietary, and herbal supplements and their potential therapeutic value.

For those of you interested in learning how to buy a quality supplement, visit us on the web at our vitamin B3 niacin web page.