Sunday, August 10, 2008

AIDS apathy worries activists at world conference (AFP)

Activists and delegates hold a protest against the US government at the XVII International AIDS/HIV Conference in Mexico City on August 6, 2008. Dozens of US AIDS activists called on White House candidates to commit to HIV prevention, as experts warned of emerging US public indifference towards the disease.(AFP/File/Luis Acosta)AFP - Dozens of US AIDS activists demonstrated at a world AIDS conference here Wednesday calling on wholesale coenzyme q10 House candidates to commit to HIV prevention, as experts warned of emerging US public indifference towards the disease.

If you are like most people, you view a visit to the doctor as a hassle. You must drag yourself out of bed when that is the only place you want to be. Drive to the doctor's office, a room full of people coughing, wheezing, and sneezing. You must wait your turn to be poked, prodded, and sent on your way to the pharmacy to wait some more in hopes that what your waiting for will be the cure to your sickness. Often times it doesn't even help. We haven't even considered dealing with insurance companies and claims, paying for all of the co-pays, and additional tests that may need to be run and paid for. It is a never ending cycle. You think to yourself, "There has to be a better way!" The good news is: there is!

Preventative health in the form of an antioxidant rich diet is a great way to increase immunity and decrease visits to the doctor. Antioxidants scavenge the body looking for free radical cells and toxins. Free radicals damage healthy cells by shooting charges at them due to a missing electron. Toxins are added to the body by smoking cigarettes, prescription and OTC medicines, increased exposure to sunlight, and experiencing excess stress. By increasing the antioxidants in your daily diet, you can counteract the increased free radicals and exposure to toxins you face each day. In turn this will allow you to decrease you risk for degenerative diseases such as heart buy bulk deaner cancer, arthritis, lung disease, fibromyalgia, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other autoimmune diseases.

Some of the many antioxidants that can be beneficial in neutralizing bad cells include Vitamin lcarnitine Vitamin E, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, Vitamin B, and turmeric extract. The question then becomes: "How do I go about increasing my antioxidant intake?" One way is to seek out the foods containing these super nutrients. Eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables in varying colors should provide a range of antioxidants. The colors are important, as antioxidants are what give the plants their color. Bioflavenoids give plants their yellow, red, or blue coloring; carotenoids also create orange and red colors. Herbs such as tulsi and ginger can also help.

If increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet would cause a dramatic increase in time spent in the kitchen (time you may not have), you may want to consider adding a nutritional supplement to your daily routine. There are a number of supplements out there, some being better than others. A supplement that provides more than one source of antioxidants is going to be your best choice.

One supplement that I have recently found is a blend of seven ingredients. Amalaki, schizandra, jujube, tulsi, haritaki, turmeric, and ginger are blended with fruit juices to create a premier wellness product. The product is called Zrii, The Original Amalaki, and is endorsed by the Chopra Center founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon.

Sheena is a promoter of wellness and balance. She is dedicated to helping those around her improve their health, wellness, and prosperity through Zrii. For more information visit: Zrii Product Information