Thursday, August 14, 2008

Google News - Health

ABC News

Doctors Debate When Organs Can Be Donated
ABC News - 1 hour ago
By JOSEPH BROWNSTEIN Doctors are locked in debate over a new approach to infant heart transplants, in which surgeons remove the organs of babies before they are declared brain dead.
Organ Transplant Program Removes Babies' Hearts Washington Post
Infant Heart Transplants Spark Ethical Debate, Controversy dBTechno
U.S. News & World Report - eFluxMedia - Bloomberg - New York Times
all 113 news articles

All forms of exercise, but especially intense exercise like body building, will eventually cause an accumulation of ammonia in the muscular tissues, causing the burning sensation known as "metabolic failure." Ammonia buildup will minimize your performance, leaving you fatigued as your body's glycogen formation drips, and your energy production cycle is blocked.

You athletic performance will decline in direct proportion to the amount of ammonia in your blood, and Gakic is one of the few bodybuilding supplements which has been proven in clinical studies to lengthen the time--by as much as 28%--it takes for its users to reach metabolic failure buy branch chain amino acids ammonia buildup.

If you're a body builder, you probably have heard of creatine, one of the compounds found in your muscle fibers. Creatine is responsible for your muscles being able to manufacture ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate, the source of almost all your body's energy. As long as your ATP supply is adequate, your muscles will continue to contract.

Creatine supplements are designed to dehydroepiandrosterone dhea your body's stores of creatine so that it can manufacture more ATP. Gakic, on the other hand, is designed to boost ATP by decreasing the amount of ammonia which is a by-product of intense exercise. Ammonia interferes with your body's ability to create ATP, and the longer you can stave off the ammonia buildup, the longer your workout can continue!

Formulated to be taken no more than 45 minutes prior to a workout, and containing neither creatine nor stimulants, Gakic inhibits the accumulation of ammonia when its ketoisocaproic acid is transformed into the amino acid leucine, which neutralizes the ammonia molecules which build up in your muscle tissue as by-products of your workout. The glycine and arginine in Gakic then work to transport the neutralized ammonia, in the form of uric acid, away from your muscles to be excreted as urine.

A lower concentration of ammonia in your muscles means that they will maintain the strength of their contractions longer into your workout before the fail from exhaustion, so you can benefit from more reps at higher resistance and reach your bodybuilding goals much sooner!

Seth Leon writes on bodybuilding and fitness supplements and currently runs, among others, an informational website providing real and factual information on bodybuilding and fitness supplements like Gakic, as well as Gakic Reviews.

For more information please go to